Help me raise $2,900 by race day for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Help Find a Cure: Donate!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Anonymous Thanks

This has been a tough few weeks in regards to training. I realized the difficulty in training for a half marathon and fundraising for an amazing I spent the last week looking for a new apartment, a new job, and attempting to successfully acquire my degree. Every time I hit a trail or the treadmill, my mind ran more than my feet. Will I find an apartment before my lease is up? Will I be happy with my career goals? Should I only do two miles instead of three so I can finish that assignment? And between each question, I obsess over making my fundraising goal...will I make my fundraising goal?

And then, something incredible happened, something so out of the ordinary, I felt more selfish than I have ever felt...

This past Tuesday, I offered up 5 hours of my day to volunteer at IHOP's National Free Pancake Day. Those enjoying free pancakes were asked to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Although I smiled the first hour, I felt unnecessary in the whole ordeal. I was merely a Vanna White type, standing near a donation box while customers complained about the 45 minute wait. No one noticed me, and I thought of the homework assignments I should be working on instead of standing there. Then I heard it, in a quiet whisper...

"Thank you"

I turned to see an elderly woman, dressed in her finest attire, much too formal for IHOP.

"Thank you. I was just diagnosed with Lymphoma. I'm 56. Thank you for giving me hope."

She handed me a $20 bill for the donation bin and walked out of the restaurant. I never even learned her name, but I almost cried because of her selfless act and her short but touching story. My next mile was tough, as it should be, but I pushed through it, this time thinking of those people who are silently thanking the world for people helping, supporting, and simply thinking of them.

Thank you, anonymous woman. Thank you in every language possible. You inspire me to be strong. I'll think of you strongly throughout the next few months of training, and throughout my life.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Silent Mile

Saturday was a long run, 4 miles to be exact. This run was much different than my previous ones. About 12 of us gathered at Newport News Park at 7:30am listening to the stories and the thank you's from Patient Honorees, mentors, and family members who had experienced lost. As a group, we ran/walked/biked a mile in silence, reflecting on the reasons we are participating: the people who touched our hearts, those we lost and those we've never known, and our determinations to find a cure. As each foot hit the earth, I thought mostly of all of those lost. I thought of a new friend I met earlier this year, who had lost his wife in October, and handed out buttons to anyone. He merely asked for us to remember him and his wife's story. I thought of my grandfather, who died when I was only 10. To this day I'm not entirely sure what type of cancer he died from, not for lack of people willing to share that information, but because the type never mattered to me, only that he was gone, and I couldn't save him.

As I reached the half mile marker, I noticed a family grilling breakfast on the campground in the distance. Two young boys chased each other while their father, I assume, laughed and continued cooking. It made me think of a young boy I never met, but who left us too quickly. I thought of Tommy, a young boy the Communication Studies Department at my university knows well. I thought of Tommy, and I ran and I prayed, in silence, for all of those effected: family, friends, and patients.

Thank you to all of you who are helping and donating. I ran those four miles, and I will run those 13 in June, and I will continue running, until we find a cure.

God Bless

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Coloring For Cures

I launched my newest campaign today: Coloring For Cures!

It is your chance to decide which color my hair will be when I cross the finish line on June 6, 2010. To vote, simply donate money to the hair color you prefer. Whichever color has the highest amount will be the winner.

Subscribe to the facebook fanpage: Coloring For Cures - Fan Page

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Training Postponed Due to Snow ...

On June 6, 2010 I will be participating in my first half-marathon through Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training. I will be working with amazing coaches and learning important tools and tips needed to accomplish this goal. On top of that, I'm raising $2,900 in the process. I would lovey our help and support. If you are interested in donating, see the link at the top of this page. Additionally, if you are an experienced runner and have any advice involving training, nutrition, or anything, please let me know.

Due to the snow, I was unable to run my desired 4 miles today. If the weather is better tomorrow, I'll be hitting the trail, if not, I'll have to settle for a treadmill.

I'll keep you all updated!